amenities Reservation Terms

Reservation Terms

Use of this Site.
Service & Product Availability, Agreement, Cancellation, Pricing and Payment

Very important information!
booking terms and conditions ajuda palace Inn


The terms and conditions regulate the use of this website and the agreement established between both parties. The terms establish the rights and obligations of all users and those of Ajuda Palace Inn, in relation to goods and services made available at this URL or any other URL related to Ajuda Palace Inn. Before carrying out the payment authorization process at the end of the operation reservation, you must carefully read the current terms as well as our Policy in this page.

If you do not agree with the Terms in force or the Privacy Policy in force, you should refrain from making any reservation at Ajuda Palace Inn. If you have any questions about these Terms or the Privacy Policy, please contact us via from our contact form or via [email protected].

Ajuda Palace Inn is a tourist apartment hotel that is managed by the company CPVI-Construção, Promoção e Venda de Imóveis SA, with NIF 506670570, headquartered at Avenida Infante Santo, 63, 3º Esq 1350-177 Lisbon, Portugal

Use of the website

These Terms are the only conditions applicable to the use of this website and prevail over any other conditions, except in the case of express agreement by the Ajuda Palace Inn tourist apartment unit, given in advance in writing. By making a reservation, the user confirms that they have read these Terms, which they accept without any reservation. These Terms are important for both parties, as they aim to protect the rights of the user, in their capacity as a customer, as well as our rights as a tourist apartment hotel unit and are intended to establish a legally valid agreement between the parties involved.

The user accepts that:

  • You may only use this website to make inquiries or reservations that are legitimate;
  • You will not make reservations of a speculative, false or fraudulent nature. If Ajuda Palace Inn has reasonable grounds to believe that a particular reservation is of this nature, it reserves the right to cancel it and inform the competent authorities;
  • You must provide Ajuda Palace Inn with an email or postal address, or details relating to another form of contact, that are correct and complete and you accept that Ajuda Palace Inn may contact you using these details, if it deems it necessary (see Privacy Policy);
  • If you do not provide Ajuda Palace Inn with all the information it deems necessary, it may not be possible to complete your reservation;
  • When making a reservation through this website, the user declares that they are at least 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to contract.

Service Availability

Reservations made are made based on the Ajuda Palace Inn management system, with availability being duly marked. However, the reservation is only made after your confirmation has been sent.


The information contained in these Terms does not constitute a sales proposal, but rather a mere invitation to negotiate. No contract will be established between Ajuda Palace Inn and the user unless the reservation has been accepted by the former (regardless of whether or not a debit has been made to the user’s account). If the reservation is not accepted after any debit has been made to the user’s account, the respective amount will be refunded in full.

To make a reservation, you must follow the online purchase process and authorize payment. You will then receive an email confirming that your reservation has been received by Ajuda Palace Inn. Please note that this does not mean that your reservation has been accepted. Any reservation is subject to respective acceptance, which will always be confirmed by sending an email.

The purchase and sale contract between Ajuda Palace Inn and the user will only be formalized with the communication of the Reservation Confirmation.
The Contract will only concern reservations upon confirmation. Ajuda Palace Inn will not be obliged to provide any other reservations that may appear until confirmation has been received.

Availability of products and services

Any reservation is subject to availability, Ajuda Palace Inn reserves the right to inform the user about the existence of alternatives, of equal or greater quality and value, which the user can confirm. If the user is not interested in the alternative reservation, any amounts paid by the user will be refunded.

Reservation Refusal

Ajuda Palace Inn reserves the right, at any time, to withdraw any offer on its reservation page. The Auda Palace Inn will not be responsible, towards the user or any third party, for the withdrawal of any offer appearing on this website.

Right of Free Resolution by the User

The user may cancel their reservation under the terms presented for each of the rates included in the reservation.


Except in the case of an obvious error, the price of the services will be as indicated at any time on our website.
Although Ajuda Palace Inn seeks to ensure that all prices indicated on the website are correct, errors may occur. If Ajuda Palace Inn finds that the price of a reservation contained in a reservation is incorrect, it will inform the user as soon as possible, giving them the choice between reconfirming the reservation at the correct price or canceling it. If it is impossible to contact the user, the reservation will be canceled and the user will be fully refunded the price of the reservation, if they have already paid.

Prices are subject to change at any time but, except as stated above, this change will not affect reservations for which a Confirmation has already been issued.


The payment method will be made through online payments, through the Ajuda Palace Inn reservation management platform.

Privacy and Security

The Ajuda Palace Inn reservation management platform is highly secure. Any and all customer data are confidential and it is ensured that customer data as well as payment methods will never be provided to third parties, with the exception of the entity or entities processing debit authorizations. Personal data will be used exclusively for the purposes of the services requested by the customer.

Data Protection

The confidentiality and confidentiality of all personal information provided by guests will be maintained. The data is entered into the Ajuda Palace Inn reservation management system for reservations and contact information. In accordance with European data protection legislation, guests can rectify or cancel their data whenever they wish. If you have any questions or require additional information on this subject, please contact us at [email protected].

Value-added tax

In accordance with current rules and regulations, all purchases made through this website are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT).

Cancellation Conditions

These are those included in each of the tariffs. When it says “If canceled up to 28 days before arrival date”, the time considered will be 00:00 on the arrival date.

Cancellations by Ajuda Palace Inn

We do not expect to have to make changes to your booking, however, sometimes problems occur and bookings have to be changed or cancelled. We will only amend or cancel your booking if necessary to carry out or complete essential repair or renovation work, or for other reasons unforeseen at the time you made your booking, which are beyond our reasonable control.

If we have to change or cancel your booking, we will make our reasonable efforts to offer you a suitable alternative booking. If we are unable to offer you a suitable alternative, or if you do not accept the alternative we have offered, we will refund the full amount you paid us for the booking, but you will have no further liability for any other loss you may suffer.

Liability and Exclusions

Ajuda Palace Inn’s liability in relation to any reservation through this website is limited exclusively to the respective purchase price.

Intellectual property

The user acknowledges and accepts that all copyright or trademark rights and other intellectual property rights relating to any and all materials and content that form part of this website remain at all times the property of Ajuda Palace Inn or the its licensors. The user is permitted to use said material only within the limits expressly authorized by Ajuda Palace Inn or its licensors. This does not prevent the user from using this website to obtain a copy of a reservation or the terms of the Contract.


Applicable legislation requires that some of the information or communications that Ajuda Palace Inn sends to users be in written form. By using this website, the user accepts that communication between him and Ajuda Palace Inn is mainly electronic. Ajuda Palace Inn will contact the user by email or provide information by placing notices on this website. For contractual purposes, the user accepts this means of communication electronically and acknowledges that any contracts, notices, information and other communications that the Ajuda Palace Inn transmits to him electronically satisfy the legal requirement that such communications be made in writing. This provision does not prejudice any user rights that result directly from the law.


All user communications to Ajuda Palace Inn must be sent via electronic form or email. Ajuda Palace Inn will contact its users or majority customers by email. However, with rare exceptions, the form of communication may be different (via telephone). Ajuda Palace Inn is committed to responding to customers and users as quickly as possible.

Transmission of Rights and Obligations

The Agreement between Ajuda Palace Inn and the user binds the parties and their respective successors and assigns.
The user may not transfer, assign or encumber their contractual position, or by any other means dispose of the Contract or any rights or obligations arising therefrom, without the prior consent of Ajuda Palace Inn, given in writing.

Ajuda Palace Inn may transfer, assign or encumber its contractual position, subcontract or by any other means dispose of the Contract or any rights or obligations arising therefrom, at any time during its term. However, no transfer, assignment or encumbrance of such position, or act of disposition of the contract, may have the effect of limiting the user’s legal rights as a consumer or reducing, or limiting in any way, any guarantee provided by the Ajuda Palace Inn to the user of expressed or implied.

Events Outside the Control of Ajuda Palace Inn

Ajuda Palace Inn will not be responsible for non-compliance, or delay in compliance, with any obligation arising from the Contract that is due to an event beyond its reasonable control (“Force Majeure Event”).

A Force Majeure Event comprises any event, act or omission, beyond the reasonable control of Ajuda Palace Inn and includes, in particular (but not exclusively), the following:

  • Strikes, lock-outs and other labor actions;
  • Civil unrest, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (declared or undeclared) or threat of war preparations;
  • Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster;
  • Impossibility of using rail, sea, air, road transport or other public or private means of transport;
  • Impossibility of using public or private telecommunications networks;
  • Government laws, decrees, regulations or restrictions;
  • Any strikes, interruptions or accidents affecting relevant postal or transport services.

Ajuda Palace Inn’s obligation to comply with any Contract will be suspended for the duration of a Force Majeure Event and will give rise to an extension of the respective period equivalent to that duration. Ajuda Palace Inn will make reasonable efforts to put an end to a Force Majeure Event, or to find a solution that allows it to fulfill its contractual obligations despite the existence of a Force Majeure Event.


If Ajuda Palace Inn, at any time during the term of the Agreement, refrains from demanding strict compliance with any obligation that the user derives from the Agreement or these Terms, or from exercising any right or faculty provided for therein to put an end to this non-compliance, this will not constitute a waiver of these rights and powers and will not exempt the user from fulfilling their obligations.

The waiver by Ajuda Palace Inn of the exercise of any right or authority, in the event of a specific situation of non-compliance by the user, does not mean the waiver of rights or powers in the event of a subsequent situation of non-compliance.

Ajuda Palace Inn’s waiver of any right resulting from the Agreement or these Terms will only be effective if it appears in a written communication sent to the user in the manner provided for in the Communications clause, where the user expressly states that he or she renounces it.


The declaration of invalidity, illegality or ineffectiveness, by a competent authority, of any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions will not affect any of the remaining provisions, which will remain in full force.


Pets are generally not allowed.


Smoking is not permitted throughout the Ajuda Palace Inn tourist apartment complex.


Please provide us with your best estimate of arrival time. Access to the apartments is from 3pm.


As a general rule, departure must be done before 11:00am.

Apartment Maintenance

Ajuda Palace Inn guarantees optimal hygiene conditions in the apartments, with its specialized cleaning staff who carry out complete cleaning and disinfection before guests arrive and after their departure. Additionally, cleaning will be carried out and linen will be replaced every 3 days.

Courtesy towards others

In consideration of other guests, we ask that you respect those who wish to sleep. For this reason, do not raise your voice after 23:00 and leave the terrace/garden at 24:00. Parties are strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized.

Civil responsability

Ajuda Palace Inn is not responsible for damages caused by guests, losses, theft or accidents inside or outside the room. If guests leave the key in the lock and a technician needs to be called, the respective charges will be assigned to the guests.

Our access rights

In addition to daily cleaning services, our staff or maintenance team may need to access your room if there is an unforeseen problem, investigate a complaint you have made or carry out certain routine checks of the property. If this occurs, we will do our best to inform you in advance of the date and time we will need access.

Our right to evict

We may terminate our contract with you and ask you to leave your accommodation immediately if:

  • We believe that you or your company has committed a breach of these terms and conditions;
  • We consider that your behavior or that of your company puts the safety of our visitors or our staff at risk;
  • Complaints of anti-social or unacceptable behavior are made against you or your company;
  • Your person or your company causes irreparable damage to the property or its contents;
  • Exceeding the maximum occupancy limit of your accommodation.


Guests may not use the apartments for commercial or immoral purposes.
Ajuda Palace Inn reserves the right to modify the information contained on its website for online reservations at any time and is the sole owner of its content.

In case guests have requested a specific apartment, every effort will be made to satisfy their wishes, but we reserve the right to change the apartment initially allocated.
These terms and conditions are governed by Portuguese law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Portuguese courts.

Entire Agreement

These Terms and any document referred to in them constitute the entire agreement established between the parties regarding the formation of a Contract and prevail over any previous agreement, understanding or combination, in written or oral form.

Both parties acknowledge that, when entering into the Contract, neither of them based their motivation on a statement, commitment or promise made by the other, or which could be considered implicit in something that had been said or written in negotiations that took place between the parties at a time. prior to the conclusion of the Contract, unless otherwise stated in these Terms.

Neither party may take advantage of the fact that the other has made an untrue statement, whether oral or in writing, prior to the conclusion of a Contract (except when such statement was made fraudulently) and may only rely on the rules on non-compliance. contractual terms resulting from these Terms.

Amendment of Terms and Conditions by Ajuda Palace Inn

Ajuda Palace Inn has the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. The user is subject to the principles and terms in force at the date of their reservation, unless the law or competent authority imposes any changes to them, or to the Privacy Policy (such changes being applicable to reservations already made).

Applicable Law and Forum

Contracts for the purchase and sale of products through this website are regulated by Portuguese Law. Any dispute arising from or related to these Agreements is subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Portuguese courts. The provisions of this clause do not prevail over any legal rights of the user as a consumer.

If you have a problem or complaint

We take great care to ensure that our property is of the highest standard. However, if you have a problem with your room, please contact us immediately and give us the opportunity to resolve it. Please contact our team. We will work with you to ensure that all complaints are investigated and resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible.